Friday, July 25, 2008


When anyone finds out that Ken is a woodworker, they immediately ask him to build them something. His time is limited, but he just completed this cherry with maple wood shadow box a couple of weeks ago. The five stripes are not rank lines, they represent lines that airmen would paint on aircraft in WWII in remembrance of ?! Anyway, they're symbolic in AFSOC.

Another spring/summer project has been growing tomatoes. This year has been our most successful year. We have cherry tomatoes coming out our ears. The bigger sandwich style tomatoes, shown here, have been an other story. We've only harvested a few that have been of any worth. Bugs, end rot, and splitting, have plagued them from early on. We actually used Miracle Grow for Tomatoes and what a difference it makes!


Rachel said...

the shadow box is beautiful!

Geneva said...

The shadow box is amazing and I love the "Hammlet Haven". Show us more pictures of that!!